How can we help? FAQ's : Web Weekend Kathmandu 2019

How can we help?

Is the conference schedule available?

We're working on the schedule and it will soon be published.

How does the community ticket work?

In wwktm 2018, we fully sponsored 8 attendees to the conference and gave another ~15 partial discounts. Based on the number of community tickets sold, we try to fulfill discount requests from under-represented groups, community members and students.

How do you select who to support with discounts and diversity programs?

People from underrepresented group in technology are selected for discounts. This includes, but is not limited to: people of minority status in their country, indigenous people, people with disabilities, people who identify as LGBTQIA+, non-binary people, and those facing economic or social hardships. The discretion of selection for diversity ticket solely remains with the organizers of the wwktm conference.

What is the corporate ticket all about?

If a company buys 10 tickets, we will put the company logo on the website indicating so. We generally encourage companies to support their employees as the conference is the best way to learn and for peer groups to perform better at work.

Why do you have Early Bird tickets?

Early Bird tickets are suitable for individuals who believe in our hard work and are buying tickets on their own. We really value our attendees, so we bear part of the cost, thus providing Early Bird discounts. It is also our way of bringing a bit of inclusion and balance to the community.

How can my organization become a conference sponsor?

You can become a sponsor for the conference. The details are : here

My question is not listed here. Whom do I contact?

If you have any question/queries/comments/suggestions shoot us an e-mail to